Financial Institutions are looking externally for innovative technologies that make them more efficient, and help them to retain and grow their customer base. Emerging FinTech companies are looking to integrate their technologies onto banking platforms to increase market share.
Neither can do it alone.
Carneros Bay is a unique blend of advisor, incubator, accelerator, investor, partner for incumbent Financial Institutions and emerging Fintech companies. We help financial institutions identify and integrate qualified solutions that map to their strategic goals, technology needs, and roadmap, while providing strategic and technical guidance to FinTechs to scale their solutions within the highly regulated and demanding financial industry.
We are tightly focused on FinTech, with over 50 industry experts al with at least 22 year’s experience. We’ve launched 3 companies (crypto, home sharing, digital identity) and have 15 Fintech partners (out of 150 reviewed) in wealth management, payments, personalization, talent management, and digital identity.
Carneros Bay fuels FinTech Engagement, helping financial institutions profitably integrate vetted new technologies that improve their business and help them better serve their customers.

Our History
Carneros Bay was founded by Gary Bender, former global head of IP and Strategy at Visa and Big 5 IP and Technology practice leader. He realized from his time with these firms that innovation was challenging for large financial institutions. At the same time, FinTech startups were gaining traction, raising both concern and internal costs for incumbents as they scrambled to keep up with the rapidly advancing marketplace. Gary seized the opportunity to help banks and financial institutions improve their FinTech strategies and engagement. Carneros Bay was born - a unique FinTech “curator” that connects financial institutions and FinTech companies for mutual benefit.